Frequently Asked Questions
How long is Greg's show?
Typically, his presentation is 45 minutes in length. Depending on your time constraints, the length can be adjusted from 25 minutes up to one hour. We recommend a shorter length if your meeting's agenda is rather lengthy; however, if your event is simply dinner and entertainment, 45 to 50 minutes might be more appropriate.
What is the cost of Greg's show?
For most shows, Greg has a standard performance fee + travel expenses. His fee does not change simply based on the length of the show. Travel expenses include a "per mile charge" (when driving) or round trip coach air fare. Lodging, parking fees/tolls and any other ground transportation costs such as taxi or rental car are also included when applicable. His performance fee is slightly higher duirng high demand dates and on occasion, Greg will be available to perform at a reduced rate for charitable and nonprofit organizations. When possible, he is willing to split travel costs with other groups scheduled on the same trip. Contact Greg and he will be glad to check availability and give your group a no-obligation price quote. He'll even place a tentative hold on a date until you've had time to get approval of others involved in your entertainment decision.
Does Greg have a contract for us to sign to hold the date?
Yes, once we have mutually agreed upon the date and price, you will receive a contract to sign. You will also be asked to include a deposit payment with the return of the signed contract. This contract is binding and becomes payable in full even if the event is cancelled. When inclement travel weather forces the postponement of your event, Greg will work with you to reschedule within 60 days of the original date. At times, unforseen circumstances arise that prevent your event from taking place. Greg will do his best to work with you; however, please keep in mind that the signed contract obligates your group to full payment.
What size audience can Greg entertain?
The maximum audience size is mainly determined by the appropriateness of the venue. Past groups have ranged from as small as 30 people to over 4000. A good rule of thumb is if you can comfortably see and hear a traditional speaker or presenter, you'll be able to also enjoy Greg's perfomance. He always stands during the show and his puppets are also at his eye level for easy audience visibility.
If the audience is seated at dinner tables, then up to 600 people can comfortable be entertained without additional large screen video projection. Audiences in theatre style seating can be up to 1200 without video projection.
What kind of room set up do we need for the performance?
Greg can work "flat" (floor level) for groups that are less than 100 people. When performing for audiences from 100 to 500 people, the stage or riser should be approximately 16 inches high. Audiences over 500 people require a 3 ft. high stage.
Greg prefers to provide his own sound and lighting when possible; however, when he has to travel to the performance via airplane, the client will be required to provide the necessary equipment.
If at all possible, avoid facilities with large pillars in the middle of the room. Irregular shaped banquet halls also present visibility problems. See Greg's Tech Needs for more details.
Can Greg perform during the dinner?
We do not recommend this. When eating, people are distracted by dinner conversation, wait staff and other interruptions. Most likely, half of the audience will also have their back to the stage and be unable to focus on Greg's show. The ideal time slot for his presentation is 15 to 20 minutes following completion of the dinner. After Greg's lively show, your audience is actually more attentive and responsive for the awards presntations, special speakers or business portion.
Are there any groups or venues Greg will not entertain?
Yes, Greg does not do strolling or walk around entertainment.
Banner photo credit: Vance Frick and Tabor College